Learning about your HIV status can help you understand your options. If you test negative for HIV congratulations! Luckily, with the advancement of technology and medicine, there are resources to help you stay negative such as PrEP. When taken as prescribed, PrEP(Pre-exposure Prohylaxis) is 99% effective at reducing the risk of getting HIV.
If you test positive for HIV, it is OK. It is not the end of the world, there are many treatments that can help you live a normal life. With proper treatment HIV can be managed. At Mani Specialty Center we provide counseling services along with creating a treatment care plan that is ideal for your condition.
Nearly 40% of New HIV infections are transmitted by people who don’t know they have the virus.
According to the CDC, Miami is #1 city in the United States for highest amount of new HIV infections. If you are sexually active, it is very important you take prevention seriously. At Mani Specialty Center, we care about your health and provide FREE condom packages!
Curious about PrEP?
PrEp(Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) is an FDA approved medicine the is safe and very effective on preventing HIV. However, it does not protect against other STD’s. So other prevention methods like condoms is still essential to maintaining a healthy status. For Prep to work effectively, it is prescribed to be taken everyday with 3 month follow ups.
You may Benefit from prep if one of the following apply to you:
- You don’t always use a condom
- Are sexually active with one or more partners
- You recently had an STI(Sexually Transmitted Infection)
- Are a person who injects drugs
- You’re unsure of your sexual partner(s) HIV/STD status
Prep can be taken by men, women, transsexual, non-binary, heterosexual, etc.
Symptoms of HIV
Protect yourself and your loved ones from the strains of this virus.
According to 2018 statistics, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has infected more than 1 million adults in the US. This is why Mani Specialty Center has made it a goal to spread awareness about its prevention and treatment.
What Are the Symptoms of HIV?
Here are the HIV symptoms you need to look out for:
- Fever and rash
- Fatigue
- Sore throat
- Headaches and/or upset stomachs
- Muscle pains and aches
These symptoms will worsen as it enters the final stages of the disease.
How Is HIV Transmitted?
HIV can be transmitted through:
- Sexual contact
- Drug injections and similar equipment
- Breastfeeding and pregnancy
HIV can be prevented when you know what to look out for.
Testing and Treatment
Who Should Get Tested?
Everyone. If you had been in recent sexual contact with another person and didn’t use protection such as condoms, then you should get tested. If you suspect improper sanitation when getting an injection, get tested. We encourage everyone to get tested for early intervention and treatment.
How Often Should You Get Tested?
Getting tested only once might not be enough. The CDC and other organizations recommend retesting at least once a year for anyone who is at a higher risk of contracting HIV, such as:
- People who have recently been infected with a sexually transmitted disease
- Individuals who inject drugs
- Sexually active people
- Children with HIV-positive parents
Reasons to Get Retested
If you’ve had sexual intercourse without using a condom, or if you’ve shared injectable drug equipment with someone who has HIV, you should be retested.
Due to the “window period,” the CDC recommends retesting. This is the amount of time it takes for HIV to show up on a test after being exposed to it. It could take up to three months for this to happen. Protect yourself by being retested after three months if your test result is negative.
Retesting might provide you with a sense of security regarding your health.
How Can I Get Tested?
When you partner with Mani Specialty Center, here are the things you need to do:
- Schedule an appointment with us.
- Fill out our brief history form.
- Complete an HIV test (5 minutes).
- Collect blood to be sent to the lab (to check your kidney function).
- Collect urine for other STI testing.
- Get your HIV results.
- Get your treatment plan.
HIV/STD symptoms can lie dormant for months — even years. They can come and go over time, but that doesn’t mean that your body is free of the disease. Most cases of STDs have mild to almost undetectable symptoms. Know Your Status
If you have had sexual intercourse with another person and notice any signs of an STD, our medical professionals at Mani Specialty Center can help you get tested and get the treatment that you need.
Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to leave us a message!