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STD Testing

We understand that getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be a sensitive topic, but taking this step is crucial for your overall well-being. Here, you will find valuable information about STD testing, its benefits, the testing process, and resources to guide you towards making informed decisions about your sexual health. Test it, don’t guess it! Leave no room for uncertainty.

What to expect…

  • What to expect during HIV/STD test
  • Doctor holding test tube and waste container
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Why Get Tested for STDs?

  • Understanding the Risks: Learn about the prevalence and potential consequences of untreated STDs, including long-term health complications and the risk of transmission to partners.
  • Early Detection and Treatment: Discover the advantages of early detection in managing and treating STDs effectively, which can prevent further complications and transmission.
  • Taking control of your health: Knowing your status Is essential for maintaining a healthy future and peace of mind

Types of STDs

Explore the most common STDs, including: (Can we make a secondary drop down from this body of text? ) if so, created additional drop downs would be for each individual STD as,


Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is one of the most prevalent STIs globally(2.4 million cases annually). Chlamydia can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex, as well as from mother to child during childbirth.


Many individuals infected with chlamydia may not experience noticeable symptoms, especially in the early stages of infection.

Women: some common symptoms of chlamydia in women may include abnormal vaginal discharge, pain or discomfort during urination, and lower abdominal pain.

Men: symptoms can include discharge from the penis, pain or burning sensation during urination, and testicular pain.

If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to serious health complications. In women, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can result in chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. In men, untreated chlamydia can lead to epididymitis, a painful condition affecting the tubes that carry sperm.


It is important to get tested for chlamydia regularly, especially if you are sexually active or have multiple partners. Testing for chlamydia typically involves a urine test or a swab sample taken from the affected area. Chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics, and it is important to complete the full course of medication as prescribed, even if symptoms improve.

If you suspect you may have chlamydia or have concerns about your sexual health, please let us know and schedule an appointment


Herpes is a common viral infection (572,000 new infections a year) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of herpes viruses: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).


HSV-1 is primarily associated with oral herpes, causing cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth and lips. It can be transmitted through oral-to-oral contact, such as kissing or sharing utensils. However, it can also be transmitted through oral-genital contact, leading to genital herpes.

HSV-2 is primarily associated with genital herpes, causing sores or blisters on or around the genitals and rectum. It is typically transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, or oral sex. However, it’s important to note that HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes through oral-genital contact.

Many people infected with the herpes virus may not experience noticeable symptoms or may have mild symptoms that go unnoticed. When symptoms do occur, they can include painful sores or blisters, itching, and flu-like symptoms such as fever and swollen lymph nodes. The initial outbreak is often the most severe, but the virus can remain in the body and cause periodic outbreaks or flare-ups throughout a person’s life.


Testing for gonorrhea typically involves a urine test or swab sample taken from the affected area. It is important to get tested regularly, especially if you are sexually active or have multiple partners. Gonorrhea can be easily treated with antibiotics. However, due to increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important to follow the prescribed treatment regimen and complete the full course of medication as directed.

If you suspect you may have Gonorrhea or have concerns about your sexual health, please let us know and schedule an appointment


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It can be transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex, as well as through close contact with syphilis sores or skin rashes of an infected person. Syphilis can also be passed from a pregnant woman to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth, leading to congenital syphilis.


Syphilis progresses in stages, each with its own set of symptoms and characteristics:

  • Primary Syphilis:The first stage of syphilis typically begins with the appearance of a painless sore or ulcer known as a chancre at the site of infection, usually the genitals, anus, or mouth. The chancre may heal on its own within a few weeks.
  • Secondary Syphilis:If left untreated, syphilis progresses to the secondary stage. During this stage, a variety of symptoms may occur, including a skin rash that may be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, fatigue, and muscle aches. These symptoms can come and go over several weeks or months.
  • Latent Syphilis:After the secondary stage, syphilis enters a latent period, during which no visible symptoms are present. However, the infection remains in the body and can progress to the tertiary stage if left untreated. Latent syphilis can last for years.
  • Tertiary Syphilis:Tertiary syphilis is the most severe stage of the infection, which can occur years after the initial infection. It can cause serious complications, including damage to the heart, blood vessels, brain, and other organs. Tertiary syphilis can result in neurological problems, blindness, cardiovascular issues, and even death.


Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, typically penicillin, depending on the stage and severity of the infection. It is important to complete the full course of medication as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Testing for syphilis usually involves a blood test that detects antibodies to the bacterium. It is important to get tested if you suspect you have been exposed to syphilis or have symptoms. Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent complications and further transmission.

If you suspect you may have Syphilis or have concerns about your sexual health, please let us know and schedule an appointment


Trichomoniasis, often referred to as “trich,” is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a single-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It primarily affects the genital and urinary tract in both men and women. Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, or oral sex. It can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby during childbirth. It is more commonly found in women than in men. It is estimated, 2.6 million cases annually.


Some individuals infected with trichomoniasis may not experience noticeable symptoms, while others may experience the following:

  • Women:
    • Vaginal discharge: Frothy, yellow-green discharge with a strong odor.
    • Vaginal itching or irritation.
    • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
    • Frequent urination.
    • Itching or irritation in the genital area.
  • Men:
    • Discharge from the penis.
    • Burning sensation during urination or after ejaculation.
    • Itching or irritation inside the penis.
    • Slight discomfort in the genital area.
    • It’s important to note that trichomoniasis can increase the risk of acquiring or transmitting other STIs, including HIV.


Trichomoniasis can be easily treated with prescription antibiotics, usually metronidazole or tinidazole. It is important for both sexual partners to be treated simultaneously to prevent reinfection. Avoiding sexual activity until the infection has been completely resolved is also advised.

Testing for trichomoniasis typically involves a swab or urine sample, which is then examined under a microscope or sent to a laboratory for analysis. It is recommended to get tested if you suspect you have been exposed to trichomoniasis or have symptoms.

If you suspect you may have trichomoniasis or have concerns about your sexual health, please let us know and schedule an appointment

STD Testing Services

Testing Process: the process can be explained in three Easy steps.

  1. Medical Consultation: Once you are checked-in, you will have a private consultation with one of our healthcare providers and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
  2. Lab Test: Based on your consultation, the healthcare provider will recommend specific STD tests tailored to your needs. Depending on what is needed, we offer blood tests, urine tests, swabs, pap smears and other physical examinations tailored to specific STD’s. Sample collection will be conducted our clinic.
  3. Schedule Follow-up: We will schedule a follow up visit to go over your results. Typically, it takes between 3-5 days to find out your results. Once the tests are available, one of our healthcare providers will explain the results to you and will go over the necessary steps for treatment/follow-up care if needed.

Confidentiality and Privacy: At ManI Specialty Center we take your privacy seriously! We provide confidential testing services in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Your Privacy is our priority, and we take every measure to ensure your visit and results remain confidential.

We adhere to strict confidentiality policies and legal guidelines to protect your personal information. Your records will not be disclosed to any third parties without your explicit consent, except where required by law.

Please fill out form below to schedule an appointment or text us at 786-561-7155 to learn more.